Shareholders and Corporate Bodies | Gruppo IPI


MI. MO. SE. S.p.A. 98,78%

Through MI.MO.SE Spa and IPI Domani Spa, Massimo Segre owns 98,78% of the IPI Spa share capital.

Corporate Bodies

Board of Directors

Appointed by the Shareholders’ Meeting of 22/04/2024, in office until the General Meeting to approve the financial statements at 31 December 2026.

Chairman Prof. Massimo Segre
CEO Vittorio Moscatelli

Prof.Avv. Guido Canale
Dott.ssa Noemi Mondo
Ing. Alessandra Rigazzi
Dott. Claudio Recchi
Dott. Gerardo Navazio


Board of Auditors

Appointed by the Shareholders’ Meeting of 22/04/2024 in office until the General Meeting to approve the financial statements at 31 December 2026.

Chairman Luca Asvisio
Sindaci effettivi

Emanuela Congedo
Alessandro Galizia

Sindaci supplenti Tiziano Bracco
Elena Aschero


Auditing Company

Deloitte & Touche S.p.A.
Appointed until the financial statements for the year to 31/12/2024.