Civico 22 | Gruppo IPI

Civico22 è una residenza contemporanea situata in un'area a ridosso del centro storico fiorentino.

Un progetto dove razionalità ed estetica coesistono per offrire l'eccellenza abitativa.


Civico22 is a contemporary residence located in an area adjacent to the historical centre of Florence.

A project blending rationality and aesthetics to create living excellence.

Civico 22

On the banks of the River Arno, just a stone’s throw from the historical centre of Florence, comes a new urban regeneration project. Top-quality, modern and green living excellence, designed for personal well-being.

Civico22 is an urban renewal project.

Its complete redevelopment has brought new life to the building, investing in its architectural image, living quality, well-being and environmental sustainability.


Personal well-being was the starting point of the project.

The spaces are designed as backdrops for both private and social occasions. The architectural choices aim to ensure optimum heat, light and acoustic comfort.

Desired and imagined living spaces become reality. With the possibility to choose custom finishes, each home is moulded to the needs of those who live there, fully respecting the needs of each person and family.

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